Coconut Mushroom Sauce (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

and welcome to my second recipe. As I still have coconut milk left from the pumpkin soup, I decided to make a mushroom sauce with it. I hope you like it.

Coconut Mushroom Sauce (2 portions)


  • 500g mushroom
  • 1 tbsp coconut milk
  • 2 hands of vegan parmesan
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 onion
  • Olive oil
  • 8 tbsp of broth
  • 1/2 bunch parsley

First, wash the mushroom and cut it into slides. Then cut the onion into small pieces and put it with olive oil into a pan. When the onion is transparent, add the mushroom and cook the vegetables until they are tender. Then add the broth, coconut milk, and garlic. I always cut the garlic into small pieces, then crush them with the knife so that the taste is stronger. While the sauce is still cooking, cut the parsley. Then you can add the parsley and the parmesan to the sauce.

If you do not find vegan parmesan you can also cook without it, it is still delicious. 🙂 You can eat it with pasta, rice, or as I did with bread dumplings (Semmelknödel). I bought spinach dumplings from Aldi and cooked them before preparing the sauce. Then I used the water of the dumplings as water for the sauce. The sauce is made within 30 minutes and is sufficient for two people.

Please leave a comment if you liked the recipe, or if you have any additional ideas or any remarks. Bon appetit!

Love, Eileen

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