Fresh Summer Rolls (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

here is a recipe which is not from me, but which I like very much. My boyfriend showed me how to make summer rolls some weeks ago. They are quickly made and very light, as they consist mostly of vegetables. He also used shrimps and salmon as ingredients, but when I made them last week I only used vegetables. So here is a recipe for how you could make them. But feel free to add any ingredient you like.

Summer Rolls

Preparation time: 30min


  • Salad (Romano)
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Paprika
  • Spring onions
  • Avocado
  • Rice paper
  • Sauce (Hot chili sauce, sate sauce)

At first, you have to prepare the vegetables. Cut everything into small pieces and put them onto a plate or a cutting board. We cut them into long thin slices. Then put water into a tall and slightly deep plate. Now you can start rolling your summer rolls! Just take another cutting board, dip the rice paper into the water on the plate, and put it on the board. Now you can put anything you like on one end of the rice paper before you roll it. To do this you just roll the paper around the vegetables, then fold the sides of the paper before rolling the rest. Place it on a new plate. As you see, it is very easy. Just pay attention to roll them quickly, if not they will get very sticky and wet, so it gets more difficult to roll them. When you rolled enough rolls (I always make around 8 to 10 rolls), you can take the plate and some sauces and start eating. Just dip them into the sauces and enjoy your meal!

As I did not have any sauce at home the last time I made a homemade dip to go along. I mixed yogurt, a smashed garlic clove, salt, pepper, and paprika powder. This dip also goes well with potatoes or oven vegetables. Attention: this dip is not vegan! But you can use a vegan yogurt such as oat yogurt or almond yogurt.

If you have any ideas for ingredients, please share your ideas by leaving a comment. 🙂

Love, Eileen

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