Eight Months Later – Life After Writing a Master’s Thesis

Hey Guys!

I know it has been a long time since I wrote to you. To be exact it has been eight months ago. Do you want to know why? Well, I was starting my master’s thesis in March… And while writing a thesis every day for six months, I just had no energy and inspiration left for writing a blog post. I did not think that this would happen, but it did. I still went for walks and continued my home workout though. I even started to run once or twice a week and to cycle regularly. But as with the blog posts I also had less to share with you via Instagram... Less time to cook so there was less to show… And when I took photos to share them and their recipes with you… Well, I obviously did not do it. But I want to change that now! I will just give you an update in this Blog Post. Then I will write the next one about convict conditioning and how it turned out.

Writing a Master’s Thesis

First of all, the experience of writing a master’s thesis was something else! It was harder than a bachelor’s thesis, but at the same time way more interesting! As you might know, I studied Logistics. I wrote my master’s thesis about predictive maintenance at the intralogistics of Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG. Predictive maintenance is about predicting future failures and future wear of machines. Then you can plan maintenance activities only when they are needed. Companies usually use corrective or preventive maintenance methods. Corrective means repairing machines or parts when they broke down. Preventive includes time-based or performance-based maintenance activities to prevent breakdowns. It was a very interesting and technical topic which was challenging as I have no background in computer science or technology. I learned a lot about machine learning, artificial intelligence, and maintenance. But mostly I learned about staying concentrated and motivated for long periods of time. And what can I say, I succeeded and achieved what I was working for since March 2020. I completed my master’s degree with an average grade of 1.1 and was the best of my year. I am kind of proud but mostly happy that I learned so much.

Ready for Vacation

After finishing my master’s thesis I was ready for the holidays. So I went to Croatia for three weeks. I have never been on holiday this long. I went to Vinišće in the North of Split for two weeks with my best friend and our boyfriends. It was beautiful there, a small village in the middle of hills, olive trees, and fig trees. We just lay in the sun, swam in the sea, and ate a lot of food. I especially enjoyed lying outside in the dark, looking at the sky and the stars. Around here you can not see them as good as there. Bright and clear. After two weeks we separated. My friends stayed in Vinišće, while we moved southwards to Dubrovnik. I always wanted to go there, even though I have not watched all seasons of Game of Thrones, which was partially filmed there. The town is just amazing and definitely worth a visit! You can also visit Montenegro and Bosnia from there. We wanted to do this too, but I had an accident after two days. I think it was the need to climb, as I have not been bouldering for more than two weeks at that point. So I climbed a fig tree to get some figs. The branch cracked, I fell, and I sprained my ankle pretty badly. That was the end of visiting cities and the beginning of lying in the garden in front of our apartment, reading harry potter and being bitten by tiger mosquitos. I still enjoyed every bit of it.

New Familiy Member

One night after the accident, after visiting the hospital of Dubrovnik and after going to the sea without swimming (thanks to my sprained ankle), it happened. We just arrived in front of our apartment and there she was. A small, thin kitten ran towards us. She asked for cuddles and did not leave for hours. When we went into our apartment, she came with us. She left during the night, as we left the door open. We did not have any food or a litter box. But we have already fallen in love with her. The next day we thought about getting a cat. We could not take her, of course. We were more than 12 hours away from home and we did not know if she belonged to someone and if we were even allowed. So we decided, we will just get a cat in Germany. Okay, so far so good.

We came back later that night after visiting a restaurant. I limped around the car with my crutches. Then I saw her. She jumped down from a terrace and ran towards me. She ran right into my arms. After stroking her once, I knew I did not want any cat from Germany. I wanted her. She felt like family. Once again she followed us into the apartment and we cuddled for hours. I contacted our landlord and found out that she did not have any owner. She was a street cat. This night we did not leave the door open. The next morning we went to a shop with our kitten and bought everything we needed. Then we went to a vet. She got vaccinated and chipped, and we got a passport for her. We stayed for four more days, and she never tried to leave. At the end of the week, we got into the car with the cat on my legs and drove for two whole days. We spent a night in a B&B in Ljubliana (also a city you should visit, it is just breathtaking!). We even went to restaurants with the cat. She behaved perfectly! Arriving in Germany we had to visit the vet very often as she got some sicknesses from the streets (ear mites). But she grew into a healthy, strong, beautiful cat that is now part of our family. We called her Mlini, after the village where we found her.

Start of a new Phase in Life

So, the master’s thesis was finished, the family was enlarged and my foot was injured. The next step was starting my very first job. I did not plan to start my first job with crutches, believe me. But as I am working in the office, at least I can work anyway. I started to work as a Junior SAP Consultant in the logistics/production area. As I have gained experience in maintenance and learned to be interested in that field, I was asked to work in the maintenance team within the logistics project. So now I am to become an SAP Consultant in Logistics and Maintenance. I am excited about everything that I will learn. I started to work for a Start-up, as I wanted to work in a small company. I have worked for big companies like Bosch, Porsche, and Lidl and I needed a change (I enjoyed all three companies, don’t get me wrong). It was the right decision. A small company can be so much more agile. You can participate in improving the company and when you have ideas you can actually realize them rather than only address them.

For now, I am happy. I make tons of photos of Mlini. I enjoy working and learning a lot every day. I started to go bouldering again (very slowly because of my foot) and I still do convict conditioning. I just started working on some personal ideas, too. I hope I can realize them soon. Of course, I will tell you about them, when they are ready. You will definitely hear from me soon. And as always, feel free to leave a like, a comment, and to visit my Instagram account, where you can watch photos of Mlini and stay up-to-date!

Love, Eileen

Homemade Vegetarian Burgers Extra Delicious

Hello Everybody,

I prepared burgers for dinner two weeks ago, as you may have seen on my Instagram account. I finished my last exam on Wednesday, which had to be celebrated! So my best friend came over and we made delicious burgers. I bought vegetarian burgers from a store near Oberstdorf (Germany), as I prefer to eat less meat. If you prefer meat, you can use minced meat, if you want to. But if you are open to something new, I can definitely recommend vegetarian substitutes, they usually taste great. The burgers I bought fell apart while being roasted, but at least they tasted splendid.

Homemade Vegetarian Burgers à la Eileen


  • 8 Vegetarian Burgers
  • 8 Buns (I used fresh Laugenbrötchen and Körnerbrötchen from the bakery)
  • 1 Roman Salad
  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 big Onion
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Spicy Burger Sauce
  • 3 Buffalo Mozzarella
  • 2 Avocados
  • 1 Lime
  • 3 Garlic Cloves
  • Salt, Pepper, and Coriander

First, you start by preparing all vegetables. Wash the salad, tomatoes, and cucumber. Then cut everything, including the onion, into small pieces or slides. Place them in small bowls on the table.

To prepare the guacamole, you crush the two avocados and add salt, pepper, coriander, and a bit of lime. Cut the garlic cloves and crush them with the knife, before you add them to the mixture and stir everything. You can prepare the guacamole sooner so that it has time to steep.

The last steps are cutting the mozzarella, halving the buns, and placing everything on the table. Then you just have to roast the burgers and start putting your burger together.

The guacamole tasted great on the burger, while the buffalo mozzarella really makes a difference. My best friend ate buffalo burgers at a street food festival in Kempten last year, which were the best burgers we have ever eaten. That’s where the idea is from. Concerning the guacamole, everything tastes better with avocado, doesn’t it?

I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as we enjoyed the burgers. If you want to be notified when there is a new post, please follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Eileen

About Convict Conditioning – Small Introduction and My Opinion after 3 Months of Training

Hello Guys,

When lockdown 2.0 started in November, I searched for something to stay fit until bouldering is possible again. Bouldering is a sport that needs strength, endurance, agility, technique, and courage. The strength in the fingers and hands disappears quickly, as well as muscles in the chest, arms, and back if you are not exercising. I did not want to go back to bouldering after months of lockdown, feeling weak. As I am still a student, I am not able to spend endless money on equipment. That is how I found calisthenics. Calisthenics is a sport, where you only train with your own weight. On Amazon, I found a book by Paul Wade, which is called convict conditioning. Paul Wade went to prison. This is where he learned to train himself without any sports equipment. He needed to get strong, to be able to protect himself. He writes, that with his training you will be able to get strong. That is exactly what I was looking for! I bought his book and started the training right away, when lockdown started on the 1st of November 2020.

The training consists of six different disciplines: leg lifts, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, handstand push-ups, and upward bow poses. The disciplines are based on ten different levels. Each level contains three steps, which are based on a different amount of repetitions. During each exercise, more repetitions can be done. When you arrive at level 10, you can do, for example, push-ups on one hand. Handstand push-ups and upward bow poses can only be done, when level six of the other disciplines is accomplished. The disciplines are well described and demonstrated by pictures. Paul Wade also explains, how the training enables the ligaments and tendons to get stronger as well.

At first, the exercises might seem easy, as a real push-up is only done by level 5. But the different levels prepare the body for a real push-up, and more. I started with level 1 pull-ups, push-ups, leg lifts, and squats. Now, after three months, my state is the following: pull-ups – level 2, push-ups – level 4, leg lifts – level 5, and squats – level 5.

I started the training knowing, that I have problems with my left knee. I had a patella dislocation last year in March, which did not heal very well. I was not able to bend my knee completely, nor was I able to put a lot of pressure or weight on it. My knee made bizarre sounds and felt strange when I bent it. Sometimes it was a little unpleasant during the exercises or even painful after finishing. But after three months of training, I can bend my left knee as much as my right knee again. I can do full squats without any pain, and the strange feeling I get when I bend my knee tailed off. I have hopes that with continuing the training it will get better and better. We will see if this is true.

So, how do I feel after three months of convict conditioning, despite my knee getting better? I have to say that I feel stronger. I am happy every time I accomplish a new level. Also, I am impatient to start the upward bow pose and the handstand push-up. I never tried such a thing. My legs are stronger than ever, while my six-pack grows. I even feel as if my hands and fingers are still strong. If this training works, or how strong I really am, will be visible when I go bouldering again for the first time. When it happens, I will tell you about it. Also, I will publish another update in three months, after six months of training. However the situation changes in the future, I will continue the training besides bouldering.

Until now, I can totally recommend convict conditioning, if you are looking for a home workout to get strong. The book is available on Amazon and not very expensive. You only need a sports mat and a ball for higher levels. I also bought a pull-up bar. A special ball helps me to train my hands in addition to convict conditioning. The levels divide the big goal into small, achievable ones. That makes the training process easier and maintains motivation. I am very curious about how far I can get. Until the next update, stay motivated, however bad the situation with covid-19 might seem or be. Having a healthy and sportive body helps in the everyday life, and feels great.

Love, Eileen

Yummy, Healthy Wraps as better FastFood

Hello Guys,

as I studied for my exams every day for the last month, I was not able to write a blog post. Today I wrote my third exam. Next week I will write my last two exams, then there is only my master’s thesis left, which I will start in March! Today, I thought I should write again. It was just too long since the last time. So, did you ever make wraps before? I am sure many of you have. I for a fact did not until more than one month ago. I saw tortillas in the store and thought, why not. It was so delicious! It is easy, quickly done, very healthy, and you can vary the wraps as you like. You find the recipe of how I made the wraps below. Enjoy!

Vegetarian Wraps (4 big portions)


  • 3 carrots
  • 3 zucchinis
  • 2 onions
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 salad
  • 2 avocado
  • Vegetarian kebab/chicken
  • Tortilla Wraps (linseed, whole grain)
  • Olive oil
  • Salsa sauce
  • Tsatsiki

First, you need to wash all the vegetables. Then you cut everything into slices. Put the onions, cucumber, salad, and carrots into separate bowls. Now, put the mushroom and zucchinis into a pan, add some olive oil, and roast everything. While the vegetables cook, roast the vegetarian chicken or kebab, or whatever you like, in another pan. When the vegetables and the “meat” are finished, put them in separate bowls, too.

Now, you can put everything on the table and start rolling your wraps. You just need to put the tortilla wraps into the micro oven for a minute, then you add everything in the middle of your tortilla. Fold three sides. Now enjoy! I only added Tsatsiki, which I found very delicious. My friends also put Salsa sauce on the wraps. Do whatever you like.

Concerning the “fake meat”, I tried the chicken meat made out of soya from Aldi. I liked it very much, so I can recommend it.

I hope you like the recipe and feel inspired to try it out by yourself. It is very easy, very tasty, and even healthy. I made them with my friends. It was a very convenient dish to prepare quickly and eat together. Definitely less effort than, for example, raclette, much healthier and at least as delicious! Have fun trying it out.

Love, Eileen

Delicious Winter Noodles-Vegetable-Minced-Meat Gratin for the Great Hunger

Hello Guys,

two weeks ago I tried something new, which ended in a new recipe. Therefore, here is my first official recipe with meat. Actually, I usually cook vegan and vegetarian, but this time I made an exception. It was in any case sooo delicious, which is why I share it with you today.

Noodles-Vegetable-Minced-Meat Gratin (4 big portions)

Preparation time: around 1 hour ; Baking time: 25 minutes


  • 200g of mushroom
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 butternut squash
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 big onion
  • Olive oil
  • 3 tbsp of tomato paste
  • 400ml of tomato sauce/tomato purée
  • 40g of mozzarella
  • 400g of organic minced meat
  • Salt, pepper, oregano, hot pepper powder
  • 300g of chickpea noodles
  • 100g of spelt tagliatelle

First, you need to wash all the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, butternut squash). Then cut the carrots and zucchini into thin slices. Halve the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut it into small squares. Now clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Gather all the vegetables in a bowl.

Peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. Peel the garlic, chop it very finely and crush it with the blade of a knife. Add olive oil (about 3 tbsp) with the onion to a pan. Do not add the garlic yet! When the onion is transparent, add the vegetables. Cook the vegetables for about 10 minutes while stirring.

While the vegetables are simmering, put the pasta in a pot with enough salted water (both types of pasta together) and cook them for between 6 and 8 minutes. When the pasta is al dente, drain the water and put them in a large baking dish.

When most of the vegetables are cooked through (the squash and carrots will still be a little tough), add the ground beef and stir until browned and crumbly. Stir in the tomato paste, garlic, and spices. Now add the tomato purée and cook everything again for about 5 minutes. In total, from the onion until it is cooked, it takes about 20 minutes.

While the vegetable and minced meat mixture is still cooking in the pan, you can already cut the mozzarella into thin slices. Add the mixture to the pasta in the baking dish and mix everything. Spread the mozzarella on top and bake the gratin at 200°C with top and bottom heat on the middle shelf for about 25 minutes.

Serve with basil and enjoy.

I found it really delicious. Through the vegetable noodles, it is not quite so unhealthy, the mixture with the tagliatelle makes it not too healthy. 😉 Takes a bit in preparation, but is not difficult and is enough for four people. And we always eat a lot. 😉 Have fun trying it out, hope you like it as much as we do.

Love, Eileen

Do you give a fu**?

Hello Everybody,

while working, I started a new audiobook some weeks ago: “the subtle art of not giving a f*ck” by Mark Manson. I have to admit that the amount of fucks used irritated me at first. But the audiobook contains interesting thoughts and facts. If you would use the audiobook for a drinking game (drink every time the word fuck is used), you could end up in a hospital after several minutes. As I found the audiobook helpful, I thought I will write a blog post about it, in case you did not listen to it yet.

Mark Manson talks about how not giving a fuck improves our lives. How we care about too many things. Often things that are small and unimportant. This could be for, for example, being annoyed because the weather is bad or because of an unreasonable fight with your partner. In real life, these incidents do not affect your life. These small things that you are worried about are maybe only a distraction from real problems. Maybe you care a lot about a friend and if he writes you back or not. You spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep that friendship alive. Five years later you might not be friends anymore, so that friend maybe did not affect your life as much as you thought. Sometimes, if you stop overthinking and caring too much, it helps you to decide. Maybe you have a dream that you do not pursue because of your fear of what others might think or because you fear failure. Why don’t you just think “I do not give a fuck, I will do it!”. Then you finally did it. And it could be the best choice of your life.

It is very important to make clear that Mark Manson does not say you should not care at all. Then you would be indifferent, which is as good as being a psychopath. You should rather prioritize what you care about and about what you do not. What do you value? Here he talks about good and bad values. Good values can help you prioritize in a way that makes you happy and successful. Bad values do not. A bad value could be that you want to be a doctor to be admired. A good value would be to be a doctor because of your passion to help others. Because you want to save lives. A doctor who does his job will be happy, while a doctor who wants recognition will maybe search for it forever and therefore never be happy. So, you should think about your values and maybe change them. Prioritize what is important for you and then concentrate on this rather than spending your energy on things that do not affect your life at all.

He also talks about being a failure or being a success. Do you feel like a failure? Why is that so? What should be different? Why is that so important? Is it really that important? He says that metrics influence if you feel like a failure or not. If you feel like a success when you finish your bachelor’s degree with an A, you will be happy when you have that A. When you only feel like a success having that A and being the best student of the year, you might feel like a failure even when you achieved an A. Other people would be perfectly happy with an A. Sometimes it might help to ask yourself if you are being reasonable, and if your metrics are right, when you feel as if you were failing. When I heard that I had to think about friendships. Some friends of mine were angry when I did not write to them regularly and said that they feel distanced. They gave me the feeling of failing as a friend. But I thought about it and I do not think that I fail as a friend if I do not write messages regularly. That is not the metrics I use for being a good friend. If I think about them, if I am there if they need me and listen to their problems, I think that is being a good friend. Writing messages is easy. Being there when you are needed is something different. So if you feel like a failure at some points, ask yourself why. And if you are really failing, do something.

In the audiobook, he talks about a boy who had many physical disabilities. He thought that he can not achieve anything because of his bad health and wanted to take his life. Then he decided to experiment. For one year he will live as if he could influence anything by himself. If he does still not achieve anything, he knows that he really could not change anything, as it is due to the world and his circumstances. He became a very famous philosopher and very successful. Marc Manson says that of course, not everything is your fault. But it is your responsibility. So if you are sick, it is not your fault. But what you decide to do with it, is your responsibility. I really liked that. So when something bad happens to you, it is your choice if you stay unhappy forever, or if you do something. So never give up, because giving up is not because of others, it is because of you.

The last thing he said ( I am not finished listening yet), is that it is normal to be wrong. When you are wrong with something, you learn. Then you are less wrong in the future. If you always try to be right and to avoid mistakes, you never really live. So let’s live, let’s be wrong, let’s get it right next time.

So these are some first insights on the audiobook of Mark Manson. I hope you find it as interesting and helpful as I did. He used many interesting examples in his book, including the Beatles, Metallica, and war. I did not want the blog post to get too long, so if you want to hear more, I recommend you check it out. I got it for free while trying Audible for free for one month. 😉 Just a tip. Have fun!

Love, Eileen

Coconut Champignon Sauce II – with Pasta (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

you might already have seen the recipe for my Coconut Mushroom Sauce, which I created in October this year. Well, I made it again tonight, but with some changes. As I loved it, I thought I have to share this with you. The recipe is basically the same, I just added some more ingredients. It really is worth a try.

Coconut Mushroom Sauce with Pasta (2 big portions)


  • 400g of mushroom
  • 2 tbsp of coconut milk
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 parsnip
  • Vegan parmesan
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 and a half big onions
  • Olive oil
  • around 200ml of broth
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley
  • Salt, pepper, and nutmeg
  • 300g of tagliatelle (I used spelt noodles)

First, wash the parsnip, carrot, and mushroom. Then cut the mushroom into slides, before you cut the carrot and parsnip into small sticks. Now cut the onion and the garlic into small pieces and put it with olive oil into a pan. I always cut the garlic into small pieces, then crush them with a knife so that the taste is stronger.

When the onion and the garlic are transparent, add the carrot and parsnip. Shortly afterwards (1 – 2 minutes) you can add the mushroom and cook everything until the vegetables are tender. Then add the broth, the coconut milk, and the spices. While the sauce is still cooking, cut the parsley and add it to the sauce.

Put salted water in a pot and put it on the stove. When the water is cooking, put the noodles in it. Cook them until they are al dente (time is written on the packaging).

Serve the noodles with the sauce and parmesan. If you do not find vegan parmesan you can eat the meal without it, it is still delicious. 🙂 Of course, if you are not a vegan, just use normal parmesan or Grana Padano.

Please leave a comment if you liked the recipe or if you have any additional ideas or any remarks. Bon appetit!

Love, Eileen

Fresh Summer Rolls (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

here is a recipe which is not from me, but which I like very much. My boyfriend showed me how to make summer rolls some weeks ago. They are quickly made and very light, as they consist mostly of vegetables. He also used shrimps and salmon as ingredients, but when I made them last week I only used vegetables. So here is a recipe for how you could make them. But feel free to add any ingredient you like.

Summer Rolls

Preparation time: 30min


  • Salad (Romano)
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Paprika
  • Spring onions
  • Avocado
  • Rice paper
  • Sauce (Hot chili sauce, sate sauce)

At first, you have to prepare the vegetables. Cut everything into small pieces and put them onto a plate or a cutting board. We cut them into long thin slices. Then put water into a tall and slightly deep plate. Now you can start rolling your summer rolls! Just take another cutting board, dip the rice paper into the water on the plate, and put it on the board. Now you can put anything you like on one end of the rice paper before you roll it. To do this you just roll the paper around the vegetables, then fold the sides of the paper before rolling the rest. Place it on a new plate. As you see, it is very easy. Just pay attention to roll them quickly, if not they will get very sticky and wet, so it gets more difficult to roll them. When you rolled enough rolls (I always make around 8 to 10 rolls), you can take the plate and some sauces and start eating. Just dip them into the sauces and enjoy your meal!

As I did not have any sauce at home the last time I made a homemade dip to go along. I mixed yogurt, a smashed garlic clove, salt, pepper, and paprika powder. This dip also goes well with potatoes or oven vegetables. Attention: this dip is not vegan! But you can use a vegan yogurt such as oat yogurt or almond yogurt.

If you have any ideas for ingredients, please share your ideas by leaving a comment. 🙂

Love, Eileen

Potato-Savoy-Champignon Gratin (Veggie)

Hello Everybody,

this recipe is very new. As I always try to cook seasonal and regional, there is a smaller choice of vegetables in the winter. I bought a savoy cabbage, while I still had some champignons and mozzarella, which had to be eaten quickly. Therefore, I tried to use everything which had to be cooked and which was available. I hope you like it.

Potato-Savoy-Champignon Gratin (2 portions)

Preparation time: 35 minutes; Baking time: 25 minutes


  • 200g of mushrooms
  • 8 potatoes (middle)
  • 6 leaves of savoy cabbage
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 big red onion
  • 200g of Mozarella
  • 3 tbsp of sour cream
  • Olive oil
  • 200ml of broth
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg

Put the potatoes in a cooking pot and cook them for around 20 minutes. While they cook, wash the mushrooms and the savoy cabbage. Then cut the mushrooms into slices and the savoy into pieces. Now you can cut the onion. When the potatoes are finished, take them off the stove and out of the water. Put a pan with some olive oil and the onion on the stove. When the onion is transparent, add the champignons and after around 5 minutes the savoy. Let everything cook for around 10 minutes. Add the broth, the sour cream, the garlic (smashed), and the spices. While the vegetables cook in the pan, peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Put them into a baking dish as a first layer. Then add the savoy-champignon mix on top. Cut the mozzarella into slices and place it on top of the vegetables in the baking dish. Let it bake at 220°C for around 25 minutes in the oven. Bon appétit!

The picture did not get very good, but it was very tasty. I hope you like it too.

Love, Eileen

Eileen’s Bircher Müsli

Hello Guys,

today I share my recipe for a Bircher Müsli with you. As with the curry, it is not a real Bircher Müsli, as it is my own creation. But in my opinion, it tastes like a Bircher, so that is how I call it. For those who do not know it, a Bircher Müsli is a traditional swiss specialty for breakfast. I love it for breakfast as well as for dessert or as a snack in the evening. The fruits make it very fresh and healthier than something based on sugar. The milk makes the muesli creamy. I hope you like it as much as I do! 🙂

Bircher Müsli (2 portions)

Preparation time: 10 minutes, Steep time: 30 minutes


  • 200g of oats
  • 1 apple (sour)
  • 1 banana
  • 350g of red fruits (frozen) – I buy a mix of strawberries, cherries, currants, and raspberries
  • 1 handful of sunflower seeds
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 250g of quark
  • 200g of yogurt
  • 200ml of milk

Let the red fruits unfreeze. Then cut the apple and the banana into very small pieces. Mix the fruits in a big bowl with the oats, sunflower seeds, quark, and yogurt. Add the honey and the milk. Let it steep for 30 minutes, then serve it in a small bowl. Enjoy!

You can also prepare it in the evening and let it steep in the fridge overnight. Then you can enjoy it directly in the morning, while the texture is very smooth. 🙂 Also, I collected fresh walnuts this autumn, which taste very good in the muesli. Sometimes I also add a little bit of cinnamon. Feel free to add whatever you like. Get creative!

Love, Eileen

PS: I bought the bowl from the picture in a village called Soufflenheim (Alsace, France) at the Poterie Graessel. They have wonderful pottery. If you are in the region, go check it out. 🙂