Homemade Vegetarian Burgers Extra Delicious

Hello Everybody,

I prepared burgers for dinner two weeks ago, as you may have seen on my Instagram account. I finished my last exam on Wednesday, which had to be celebrated! So my best friend came over and we made delicious burgers. I bought vegetarian burgers from a store near Oberstdorf (Germany), as I prefer to eat less meat. If you prefer meat, you can use minced meat, if you want to. But if you are open to something new, I can definitely recommend vegetarian substitutes, they usually taste great. The burgers I bought fell apart while being roasted, but at least they tasted splendid.

Homemade Vegetarian Burgers à la Eileen


  • 8 Vegetarian Burgers
  • 8 Buns (I used fresh Laugenbrötchen and Körnerbrötchen from the bakery)
  • 1 Roman Salad
  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 big Onion
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Spicy Burger Sauce
  • 3 Buffalo Mozzarella
  • 2 Avocados
  • 1 Lime
  • 3 Garlic Cloves
  • Salt, Pepper, and Coriander

First, you start by preparing all vegetables. Wash the salad, tomatoes, and cucumber. Then cut everything, including the onion, into small pieces or slides. Place them in small bowls on the table.

To prepare the guacamole, you crush the two avocados and add salt, pepper, coriander, and a bit of lime. Cut the garlic cloves and crush them with the knife, before you add them to the mixture and stir everything. You can prepare the guacamole sooner so that it has time to steep.

The last steps are cutting the mozzarella, halving the buns, and placing everything on the table. Then you just have to roast the burgers and start putting your burger together.

The guacamole tasted great on the burger, while the buffalo mozzarella really makes a difference. My best friend ate buffalo burgers at a street food festival in Kempten last year, which were the best burgers we have ever eaten. That’s where the idea is from. Concerning the guacamole, everything tastes better with avocado, doesn’t it?

I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as we enjoyed the burgers. If you want to be notified when there is a new post, please follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Eileen

Yummy, Healthy Wraps as better FastFood

Hello Guys,

as I studied for my exams every day for the last month, I was not able to write a blog post. Today I wrote my third exam. Next week I will write my last two exams, then there is only my master’s thesis left, which I will start in March! Today, I thought I should write again. It was just too long since the last time. So, did you ever make wraps before? I am sure many of you have. I for a fact did not until more than one month ago. I saw tortillas in the store and thought, why not. It was so delicious! It is easy, quickly done, very healthy, and you can vary the wraps as you like. You find the recipe of how I made the wraps below. Enjoy!

Vegetarian Wraps (4 big portions)


  • 3 carrots
  • 3 zucchinis
  • 2 onions
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 salad
  • 2 avocado
  • Vegetarian kebab/chicken
  • Tortilla Wraps (linseed, whole grain)
  • Olive oil
  • Salsa sauce
  • Tsatsiki

First, you need to wash all the vegetables. Then you cut everything into slices. Put the onions, cucumber, salad, and carrots into separate bowls. Now, put the mushroom and zucchinis into a pan, add some olive oil, and roast everything. While the vegetables cook, roast the vegetarian chicken or kebab, or whatever you like, in another pan. When the vegetables and the “meat” are finished, put them in separate bowls, too.

Now, you can put everything on the table and start rolling your wraps. You just need to put the tortilla wraps into the micro oven for a minute, then you add everything in the middle of your tortilla. Fold three sides. Now enjoy! I only added Tsatsiki, which I found very delicious. My friends also put Salsa sauce on the wraps. Do whatever you like.

Concerning the “fake meat”, I tried the chicken meat made out of soya from Aldi. I liked it very much, so I can recommend it.

I hope you like the recipe and feel inspired to try it out by yourself. It is very easy, very tasty, and even healthy. I made them with my friends. It was a very convenient dish to prepare quickly and eat together. Definitely less effort than, for example, raclette, much healthier and at least as delicious! Have fun trying it out.

Love, Eileen

Delicious Winter Noodles-Vegetable-Minced-Meat Gratin for the Great Hunger

Hello Guys,

two weeks ago I tried something new, which ended in a new recipe. Therefore, here is my first official recipe with meat. Actually, I usually cook vegan and vegetarian, but this time I made an exception. It was in any case sooo delicious, which is why I share it with you today.

Noodles-Vegetable-Minced-Meat Gratin (4 big portions)

Preparation time: around 1 hour ; Baking time: 25 minutes


  • 200g of mushroom
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 butternut squash
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 big onion
  • Olive oil
  • 3 tbsp of tomato paste
  • 400ml of tomato sauce/tomato purée
  • 40g of mozzarella
  • 400g of organic minced meat
  • Salt, pepper, oregano, hot pepper powder
  • 300g of chickpea noodles
  • 100g of spelt tagliatelle

First, you need to wash all the vegetables (zucchini, carrots, butternut squash). Then cut the carrots and zucchini into thin slices. Halve the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut it into small squares. Now clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Gather all the vegetables in a bowl.

Peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. Peel the garlic, chop it very finely and crush it with the blade of a knife. Add olive oil (about 3 tbsp) with the onion to a pan. Do not add the garlic yet! When the onion is transparent, add the vegetables. Cook the vegetables for about 10 minutes while stirring.

While the vegetables are simmering, put the pasta in a pot with enough salted water (both types of pasta together) and cook them for between 6 and 8 minutes. When the pasta is al dente, drain the water and put them in a large baking dish.

When most of the vegetables are cooked through (the squash and carrots will still be a little tough), add the ground beef and stir until browned and crumbly. Stir in the tomato paste, garlic, and spices. Now add the tomato purée and cook everything again for about 5 minutes. In total, from the onion until it is cooked, it takes about 20 minutes.

While the vegetable and minced meat mixture is still cooking in the pan, you can already cut the mozzarella into thin slices. Add the mixture to the pasta in the baking dish and mix everything. Spread the mozzarella on top and bake the gratin at 200°C with top and bottom heat on the middle shelf for about 25 minutes.

Serve with basil and enjoy.

I found it really delicious. Through the vegetable noodles, it is not quite so unhealthy, the mixture with the tagliatelle makes it not too healthy. 😉 Takes a bit in preparation, but is not difficult and is enough for four people. And we always eat a lot. 😉 Have fun trying it out, hope you like it as much as we do.

Love, Eileen

Coconut Champignon Sauce II – with Pasta (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

you might already have seen the recipe for my Coconut Mushroom Sauce, which I created in October this year. Well, I made it again tonight, but with some changes. As I loved it, I thought I have to share this with you. The recipe is basically the same, I just added some more ingredients. It really is worth a try.

Coconut Mushroom Sauce with Pasta (2 big portions)


  • 400g of mushroom
  • 2 tbsp of coconut milk
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 parsnip
  • Vegan parmesan
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 and a half big onions
  • Olive oil
  • around 200ml of broth
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley
  • Salt, pepper, and nutmeg
  • 300g of tagliatelle (I used spelt noodles)

First, wash the parsnip, carrot, and mushroom. Then cut the mushroom into slides, before you cut the carrot and parsnip into small sticks. Now cut the onion and the garlic into small pieces and put it with olive oil into a pan. I always cut the garlic into small pieces, then crush them with a knife so that the taste is stronger.

When the onion and the garlic are transparent, add the carrot and parsnip. Shortly afterwards (1 – 2 minutes) you can add the mushroom and cook everything until the vegetables are tender. Then add the broth, the coconut milk, and the spices. While the sauce is still cooking, cut the parsley and add it to the sauce.

Put salted water in a pot and put it on the stove. When the water is cooking, put the noodles in it. Cook them until they are al dente (time is written on the packaging).

Serve the noodles with the sauce and parmesan. If you do not find vegan parmesan you can eat the meal without it, it is still delicious. 🙂 Of course, if you are not a vegan, just use normal parmesan or Grana Padano.

Please leave a comment if you liked the recipe or if you have any additional ideas or any remarks. Bon appetit!

Love, Eileen

Fresh Summer Rolls (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

here is a recipe which is not from me, but which I like very much. My boyfriend showed me how to make summer rolls some weeks ago. They are quickly made and very light, as they consist mostly of vegetables. He also used shrimps and salmon as ingredients, but when I made them last week I only used vegetables. So here is a recipe for how you could make them. But feel free to add any ingredient you like.

Summer Rolls

Preparation time: 30min


  • Salad (Romano)
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Paprika
  • Spring onions
  • Avocado
  • Rice paper
  • Sauce (Hot chili sauce, sate sauce)

At first, you have to prepare the vegetables. Cut everything into small pieces and put them onto a plate or a cutting board. We cut them into long thin slices. Then put water into a tall and slightly deep plate. Now you can start rolling your summer rolls! Just take another cutting board, dip the rice paper into the water on the plate, and put it on the board. Now you can put anything you like on one end of the rice paper before you roll it. To do this you just roll the paper around the vegetables, then fold the sides of the paper before rolling the rest. Place it on a new plate. As you see, it is very easy. Just pay attention to roll them quickly, if not they will get very sticky and wet, so it gets more difficult to roll them. When you rolled enough rolls (I always make around 8 to 10 rolls), you can take the plate and some sauces and start eating. Just dip them into the sauces and enjoy your meal!

As I did not have any sauce at home the last time I made a homemade dip to go along. I mixed yogurt, a smashed garlic clove, salt, pepper, and paprika powder. This dip also goes well with potatoes or oven vegetables. Attention: this dip is not vegan! But you can use a vegan yogurt such as oat yogurt or almond yogurt.

If you have any ideas for ingredients, please share your ideas by leaving a comment. 🙂

Love, Eileen

Potato-Savoy-Champignon Gratin (Veggie)

Hello Everybody,

this recipe is very new. As I always try to cook seasonal and regional, there is a smaller choice of vegetables in the winter. I bought a savoy cabbage, while I still had some champignons and mozzarella, which had to be eaten quickly. Therefore, I tried to use everything which had to be cooked and which was available. I hope you like it.

Potato-Savoy-Champignon Gratin (2 portions)

Preparation time: 35 minutes; Baking time: 25 minutes


  • 200g of mushrooms
  • 8 potatoes (middle)
  • 6 leaves of savoy cabbage
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 big red onion
  • 200g of Mozarella
  • 3 tbsp of sour cream
  • Olive oil
  • 200ml of broth
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg

Put the potatoes in a cooking pot and cook them for around 20 minutes. While they cook, wash the mushrooms and the savoy cabbage. Then cut the mushrooms into slices and the savoy into pieces. Now you can cut the onion. When the potatoes are finished, take them off the stove and out of the water. Put a pan with some olive oil and the onion on the stove. When the onion is transparent, add the champignons and after around 5 minutes the savoy. Let everything cook for around 10 minutes. Add the broth, the sour cream, the garlic (smashed), and the spices. While the vegetables cook in the pan, peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Put them into a baking dish as a first layer. Then add the savoy-champignon mix on top. Cut the mozzarella into slices and place it on top of the vegetables in the baking dish. Let it bake at 220°C for around 25 minutes in the oven. Bon appétit!

The picture did not get very good, but it was very tasty. I hope you like it too.

Love, Eileen

Eileen’s Bircher Müsli

Hello Guys,

today I share my recipe for a Bircher Müsli with you. As with the curry, it is not a real Bircher Müsli, as it is my own creation. But in my opinion, it tastes like a Bircher, so that is how I call it. For those who do not know it, a Bircher Müsli is a traditional swiss specialty for breakfast. I love it for breakfast as well as for dessert or as a snack in the evening. The fruits make it very fresh and healthier than something based on sugar. The milk makes the muesli creamy. I hope you like it as much as I do! 🙂

Bircher Müsli (2 portions)

Preparation time: 10 minutes, Steep time: 30 minutes


  • 200g of oats
  • 1 apple (sour)
  • 1 banana
  • 350g of red fruits (frozen) – I buy a mix of strawberries, cherries, currants, and raspberries
  • 1 handful of sunflower seeds
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 250g of quark
  • 200g of yogurt
  • 200ml of milk

Let the red fruits unfreeze. Then cut the apple and the banana into very small pieces. Mix the fruits in a big bowl with the oats, sunflower seeds, quark, and yogurt. Add the honey and the milk. Let it steep for 30 minutes, then serve it in a small bowl. Enjoy!

You can also prepare it in the evening and let it steep in the fridge overnight. Then you can enjoy it directly in the morning, while the texture is very smooth. 🙂 Also, I collected fresh walnuts this autumn, which taste very good in the muesli. Sometimes I also add a little bit of cinnamon. Feel free to add whatever you like. Get creative!

Love, Eileen

PS: I bought the bowl from the picture in a village called Soufflenheim (Alsace, France) at the Poterie Graessel. They have wonderful pottery. If you are in the region, go check it out. 🙂

Homemade Curry (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

as I had some time last week, I cooked one of my most favorite recipes. I call it a curry, but as I have created the recipe on my own and as I never have cooked a real curry, I can not say if it is one. But at least I can say that it is very tasty.

Homemade Curry (4 big portions)

Preparation time: 1 hour


  • 250 g of rice (Basmati or Jasmine)
  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 200 g of coconut milk
  • 220 g of chickpeas
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 paprika
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 chili
  • 1 ginger
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 onions
  • 2 spring onions
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, pepper, turmeric, herbs of Provence, curry, hot paprika

Heat salted water, then cook the rice for around 10 minutes. While the rice is cooking, start preparing the vegetables by cutting the carrots, the zucchini, and the paprika into pieces. I always put the vegetables in the same bowl where I will put the rest of the food after eating to save dishes (student life without a dishwasher ;)).

Cut the onions, spring onions, and the chili into small pieces. Pay attention that you only cut the white part of the spring onions, while you keep the green part for later. Put some olive oil into a pan, add the onions, and shortly afterwards the chili. When the onions are transparent, add the vegetables you already prepared.

While the vegetables cook, wash the mushrooms and cut them into slides. Add them to the pan. Then cut the tomatoes, the green of the spring onions, the garlic, and the ginger. When the vegetables are well done, add the garlic, the ginger, the chickpeas, the tomatoes, the green of the spring onions, and the coconut milk. I use a lot of spices such as turmeric, curry, and paprika, which gives the meal a slightly spicy taste. The rest of the spices round the dish perfectly off. Just let everything cook for some minutes, then you can serve it with the rice.

The recipe does take an hour for preparation, but the result is a healthy and tasty meal that lasts several days.

Please leave a comment if you liked the recipe, or if you have any additional ideas or any remarks. Bon appetit!

Love, Eileen

Coconut Mushroom Sauce (Vegan)

Hello Guys,

and welcome to my second recipe. As I still have coconut milk left from the pumpkin soup, I decided to make a mushroom sauce with it. I hope you like it.

Coconut Mushroom Sauce (2 portions)


  • 500g mushroom
  • 1 tbsp coconut milk
  • 2 hands of vegan parmesan
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 onion
  • Olive oil
  • 8 tbsp of broth
  • 1/2 bunch parsley

First, wash the mushroom and cut it into slides. Then cut the onion into small pieces and put it with olive oil into a pan. When the onion is transparent, add the mushroom and cook the vegetables until they are tender. Then add the broth, coconut milk, and garlic. I always cut the garlic into small pieces, then crush them with the knife so that the taste is stronger. While the sauce is still cooking, cut the parsley. Then you can add the parsley and the parmesan to the sauce.

If you do not find vegan parmesan you can also cook without it, it is still delicious. 🙂 You can eat it with pasta, rice, or as I did with bread dumplings (Semmelknödel). I bought spinach dumplings from Aldi and cooked them before preparing the sauce. Then I used the water of the dumplings as water for the sauce. The sauce is made within 30 minutes and is sufficient for two people.

Please leave a comment if you liked the recipe, or if you have any additional ideas or any remarks. Bon appetit!

Love, Eileen

Coconut Pumpkin Soup (vegan)

Hello Guys,

today I wanted to share my latest recipe with you. As it was rainy and cold, I was in the mood for a bowl of soup. I just used the ingredients that I had, which produced a pumpkin soup. The preparation takes less than an hour, and the soup is a little bit spicy and very creamy. I liked it a lot.

Pumpkin Soup for two People (four tall plates)


  • 1/2 Butternut Squash
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1 Potato
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Pepperoni
  • 1 Ginger
  • 0,5l of Broth
  • 3 tbsp. of Coconut Milk
  • Pepper, Salt, and Muscat
  • Oil (I used olive oil)

You first cut the onion, the pepperoni, the ginger, and the garlic into small pieces. The potato, carrot, and pumpkin have to be cut into cubes. The smaller the cubes, the faster they are finished cooking. I normally cut them into something like 2 cm x 2 cm cubes.

Then you put a little bit of oil in a pan and add the onion. When the onion is transparent, you add the pepperoni. Shortly afterwards you can add the rest of the vegetables. Sweat the vegetables for some minutes while stirring, then add the broth and the coconut milk. I used coconut milk instead of cream so that the soup is light and vegan. Cook the soup for around 20 minutes on medium heat. The soup is ready when you can cut the carrots and potatoes easily with a spoon. At last, you have to smush the soup with a pureeing device. Voilà, the soup is ready to be eaten! The soup goes well with fresh bread, pumpkin seed oil, and pumpkin seeds.

Have fun trying the recipe and bon appetit. 🙂 I am happy about your feedback, as this is a recipe I created on my own.

Love, Eileen

PS: You can keep the seeds, wash them, and then roast them with cinnamon and sugar in a pan. Makes a very tasty snack or dessert.