Don’t Wait to Live – Start Living Now!

Enjoying life

Hello Guys,

as I am writing my exams at the moment, I didn’t have time to write a long blog post. But I thought that I will at least write a short one, so you don’t start missing me. 😉

Do you know that feeling that you are eager for something to arrive? Like Christmas, your birthday, or the next holidays? That feeling makes us happy and excited. But sometimes it’s not just that you can’t wait until the holidays arrive, but you also wish the days until then to pass faster. Maybe you experience a hard time at work or at school. Maybe the weather is very bad at the moment, so you can’t go for a swim although it’s July. Or maybe Corona annoys you as much as everyone. In times like these, I start to think: only two months left, then I will have my bachelor’s degree and the stress will be over. Only one month left and I will be lying on a beach in Italy. Only two days left and it’s the weekend. I am sure you can relate to some of those examples. The thing is, life is short. Furthermore, we sleep a third of it. So why should we spend our time hoping that time passes faster? Last year I thought about this and what would happen if I dropped dead tomorrow. I know that nothing would happen as I wouldn’t think anymore. But imagine that I would, then maybe I would see that I spend the last week of my life hoping that it will be over soon, working day and night. Frankly, I don’t want to spend half of my life, hoping that time passes faster, only waiting for the next pleasant day to arrive. That’s why I decided to make each day a pleasant day. Even when I have endless work to do, I try to do something that makes me happy. I try, for example, to take at least one hour for a walk or to watch a movie before going to bed. When I have to work the whole day, I need to do something which makes the day a good day before going to bed. I also try to stop hoping for something to arrive soon. When I finish my master’s degree, I will have more money to spend, so my life will be more comfortable. But I don’t want one year of my life to pass fast so that this day arrives sooner. I want to enjoy my studies, learn a lot, make friends, get better at bouldering, and eat delicious food.

I hope that you get what I am trying to say. If you are always waiting for something to arrive, I am asking myself if you are living at that moment. If you have too much work to do to take an hour to eat something you like or to go for a walk, then maybe that’s a sign that you need to change something. Unless you want to wait until you are older, maybe even until you are retired, to enjoy your life. So, when the weather is bad and you can’t go to the lake as planned, why don’t you read that book you still have on your shelf or watch that movie you were waiting to see? When Covid-19 prevents you from going out and seeing your friends, which for sure is pretty annoying, maybe you could use that time for yourself. Start doing sport or go for a hike and see the nature which surrounds you. Spend more time with your partner and enjoy the time together, which is only possible thanks to home-office. The best thing is that if you start enjoying every day, the days will automatically pass faster, so the holidays arrive sooner. That’s because when you are happy, it feels as if time passes faster. But then the days were at least worth it.

I hope that you are all healthy and that you enjoy your day! If you are also writing your exams, I wish you good luck. If you are having a bad time at work or personal problems, don’t lose faith and try to enjoy small things.

Love, Eileen